The gaming play
The blockchain functionality is a feature of the venture, it isn't the game itself, and we want to find good games that will build up a big following, and that comes from experience game developers, not blockchain focused development. Good game developers from the past, will be the ones that develop the best crypto games.
By José Ignacio Blavi Aros
From October 2021, when the gaming market cap was at 1.7 trillion the gaming industry will be exploding beyond what the whole other spaces in crypto will be gaining in the next 2 years. That is getting into ventures like Illuvium, which to end of October has reached +1000X
The key to entering in plays like that is to research for indy gaming, in how their teams look. What games have they developed in the past, because this is not something new: the blockchain functionality is a feature of the venture, it isn't the game itself, and we want to find good games that will build up a big following, and that comes from experience game developers, not blockchain focused development. Good game developers from the past, will be the ones that develop the best crypto games. There is no real reason for these ventures to be launching coins or be selling NFTs, if there is not even a beta available. When we dive into the research of the ventures on gaming, +90% of the ones that were successful early on was based on the art: and that refers to actual screenshots of the game, and not just beautiful imagery, images of the NFTs, drawn pictures. A good example is “Big Time” The other important axis to incorporate is the early stage valuation to be flat for a very long time from the moment the coin is released.
So when we look at a graph of the coin price, we want to see a minimum increase in its price for the first year, as the games take years to develop, and there should not be fluctuations on the time there is not much to see of the development. Whenever we see big pumps on the coin price on an early stage, we relate it with a rookie team, who uses all the marketing tools available to throw attention to the venture, and the price get inflated beyond any reasonable/realistic expectations of the following it could end up having. In these sense is better to look for guild of developers, or studio game developers who have developed indie games. Because most studios that are new in gaming applying their blockchain knowledge to it will not have a triple A game out. Within the game itself, we want to understand if there is a good, very defined game-play-loop: whats going to trigger dopamine and get people hooked. And what needs to happen there is look for a complete loop that incorporate blockchain technology (the crypto functionality) is placed in the game in a smart way that is going to carry an underlying economy; or be using the NFTs or the crypto tokens tied in the dopamine feedback loop. So will be games that have play to earn functionality. From the game itself we need to look for a clear scope of what the venture needs to make the game work, and time is one of the key factors. Amazing games take 5+ years to develop. So we want to look for the qualities described before that are input in a very simple game like Axie Infinity, that has an achievable scope that can be done in just 1 or tops 2 years. So we look for great gaming loops and limited scope. |