Budget and interresponsibility inside an organization: Who leads? How is the budget distributed?
By José Ignacio Blavi Aros
The real problem within organizations, after recognizing some technology as a strategic priority.
The essential need of this educational program comes out of the requirement of different departments and individuals within organizations to work around their budget to incorporate this technology, facing the question: where does the money of implementing a tech solution, comes from? Some are assuming that whoever spends the money is the ultimate sponsor; but here, when adopting this solution, is not the case. Most people would assign it to some sort of IT department or related, but really the money comes from business development, as the key issue to be bridged: How do we bring people together. What is that unifying force within an organization, that solves a compelling business problem; what purpose serves? That has to be part of the educational program, to help lower the friction to incorporate this solutions from the business development department. |